Are you someone who can’t be without your chocolate?  Does it help you through the day or through the tough times?  Are you out of control when it comes to your intake of chocolate?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may have a chocolate addiction.  People who have an addiction to chocolate have been referred to as Chocoholics. There are varying degrees of chocolate addiction but the ultimate question is, is chocolate affecting your physical or emotional health?  If it is, we at Your Inner Power are here to help.

Chocolate Addiction Help
My sessions are designed to deal with whatever substance you are addicted to, in this case chocolate and to remove your reliance on it from your daily life without any feelings of deprivation.  So how do we do this?  We use a technique called Faster EFT to understand what is going on in your body and mind in relation to your chocolate addiction.  Its important to understand the emotions and feelings that drive your chocolate addiction and use Faster EFT to neutralise these emotions and remove the chocolate addiction.


There are reasons why people get cravings for chocolate and they range from its smell, taste, texture as well as it makes you feel warm, comforted and happy for the brief time you are eating it. But once the chocolate has been consumed, the negative feelings of guilt, shame, helplessness, sadness etc emerge and all warm happy feelings are gone.


Chocolate is something that has been there for people through good times, bad times and sad times.  It is in some sense a friend and like any friend, it is hard to say goodbye forever.  You have come to rely on this friend in your life despite it making you feel bad.  At Your Inner Power, we can help you say goodbye to your Chocolate Addiction in an easy deprivation-free way.  My sessions help you clear all your reliances on chocolate and remove any feelings of deprivation.  How does that sound?


To hear other peoples stories in relation to addiction and having a session with me, visit my testimonials page.


To start making a change to your chocolate addiction, contact us now and book a session today!

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