When you book in for a session with Jackie at Your Inner Power, there are a couple of ways that you can have that session. One is an online session and the second is a Face to Face session.

A lot of people want to know the difference between the two and we have found a lot of people assume that an in person is more impactful and effective than a zoom or Skype online session. This is not true.

For both types of sessions, Jackie follows a process to help you release whatever is blocking you or affecting your life negatively.

With both sessions, you will need to complete a client form which will help provide some history on any emotional, medical and physical issues you may have had in your life.

For the Face to Face sessions, they are conducted in our clinic in Noosaville Queensland. 

Both face to face and online sessions are 2 hours in length. This is to ensure we cover as much ground as we can and help understand the emotional foundations that are in place to support your issue or behaviour that is not serving you.

>By working on the emotions that underlie the issue or behaviour, we can clear the emotions and therefore remove the framework that is holding that negative pattern of behaviour or that issue in place.

In a Face to Face session, Jackie uses a number of different techniques to help with this clearing which include FasterEFT, Matrix Birth Reimprinting, NLP, intuition to name a few. In the face to face sessions, Jackie will do the tapping technique on the client whereas in the online session, the client will copy Jackie as she taps on her face.

Does one work better than the other? No. They are both very effective.

With the face to face Jackie will do the majority of the tapping work but will use some time in the session to allow the client to practice the technique themselves so they are comfortable with how it works and empower them to use it on themselves


In the online session, the client will be doing all the tapping on themselves by following Jackie’s instruction. This is good as it gives the client lots of practice at using the tapping technique and experiencing a shift in emotion/behaviour or pain level.

So now you understand how they both work, feel free to contact us to book in your transformational session with Jackie.

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